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6 tips to avoid dust: check out these basic and effective ways to reduce dust at home


Does your home usually accumulate a lot of dust? Know that this is a common problem, but there are basic and effective ways to reduce dust at home.

Here are six tips to help with this task! Check out what they are and take the opportunity to adopt them on a daily basis, ensuring cleaner environments with less dust!

1. Clean with damp cloths

6 tips to avoid dust: check out these basic and effective ways to reduce dust at home

One of the ways to reduce the amount of dust in rooms is to clean with damp cloths. They manage to hold a larger amount of dust, preventing it from accumulating on surfaces.

You NEED to read:

How to Clean Dirty Floors?

To adopt this tip is simple! Your first step should be to remove excess dust, so that it doesn't just accumulate in one corner of the room or whatever the room.

You can vacuum or wipe furniture surfaces with a dry cloth. Then, finish off with a damp cloth only in water or in water with a cleaner. In this way, it is possible to carry out a more robust cleaning of the area.

2. Use the vacuum cleaner more

man using vacuum cleaner

The vacuum cleaner is better than the broom! When we sweep the house, some of the dust rises and then falls to the surface again. Therefore, cleaning is not as effective.

In the case of the vacuum cleaner , there is no such problem. The appliance's mechanism sucks and retains the dust in a reservoir, which makes the space more hygienic.

To reduce the amount of dust at home, it is recommended that you pass the appliance twice a week, at least. It can work as a more effective broom substitute .

Another care you should take is to vacuum upholstery, mattresses, curtains and rugs, because they are pieces that tend to accumulate more dust throughout the day. Use specific nozzles for upholstery and textile coverings to avoid damage.

3. Have an air humidifier at home

window humidifier

The air humidifier is an ally in reducing dust in the property. Thanks to it, it is possible to make the environment cleaner, in addition to being healthier, with improved air quality.

This is possible because the equipment inhibits the concentration of dust particles in the environment. Another advantage is that it helps to form a protective film on furniture to prevent dust from accumulating.

It is only indicated to be careful with the use of the equipment, because if the percentage of humidity in the air exceeds 80%, there is a risk of mold forming on items used in the room.

4. Remove dust with a microfiber cloth

countertop cleaning with microfiber cloth

When cleaning the house, you may have noticed that there are cloths that do not remove dust properly, leaving part of it on the furniture or floor. In many cases, these cloths leave scratches on more sensitive materials, such as glass and mirrors.

However, these problems are easy to avoid, just use the proper cleaning cloths. The most suitable for removing dust and avoiding scratches on furniture is microfiber.

It has greater power to retain dust in the weaves of the fabric. In addition, it is very soft, which prevents scratches on parts and coatings that are more delicate, making the piece worth the investment.

5. Clean air conditioning filters

air conditioning filter cleaning, about Laminate flooring  in Jacksonville 

Cleaning the equipment filter is essential to avoid accumulation of dust in the environment. This piece is responsible for holding the dust absorbed from space. When it is dirty, the filter cannot retain the dust, which ends up returning to space.

Hence the importance of cleaning! It is indicated that you do it regularly, using a damp cloth or according to the air conditioning manufacturer's guidelines. It is also necessary to wipe the filter compartment with a cloth.

6. Place a doormat at the entrance to the house

doormat at the entrance of the house

The doormat is an ally in reducing dust, because it stops part of the dirt right at the entrance. In it, it is possible to clean your shoes when you get home, preventing it from bringing dust from the street into the property.

If possible, consider adopting the habit of leaving used shoes outside at the entrance, without using them indoors. This will further reduce the possibility of dust accumulation.


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